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Safety Method Statement for Construction | Excel Template FREE

by | reviewed 06/02/2021
The Safety Method Statement sets out safe systems of work for hazardous operation. In Construction Management it should be included in the construction H & S plan together with any subcontractors' safety method statements. It should clearly show how the work will be supervised, how it will be monitored and provide practical control measures. stakeholdermap.com
Safety Method Statement

The Safety Method Statement vs a Risk Assessment

The Safety Method Statement is not the same as a Risk Assessment. The method statement sets out the sequence of activities that need to be carried out to complete the work and the controls that will be put in place to ensure safety. Risk Assessments are reviews of the potential hazards (risks) that are inherent in an activity or an environment e.g. a work environment like a factory.

Safety Method Statements should include all the risks identified in a a risk assessment. For example, a risk assessment for roofing work may identify a risk of falling materials, the Safety Method Statement would set out how the roofing work would be done and what controls would be put in place to manage the risk of falling materials: safety hats, putting up netting around scafolding, using harnesses or specialist safety equipment for working on the roof etc.

When are Safety Method Statements used?

Safety Method Statements are not required by law in the UK, but are most often used in Construction Management where they are useful for complex or high risk work and can form a helpful aid for contractors and employees about how the work should be done. Other types of Method Statements in Construction.

This is a FREE template for Construction Project. The template can be downloaded in Excel and PDF. Jump straight to the Safety Method Statement download.
Find out more about Construction Management.

The contents of the Safety Method Statement Template


Work Activity/Task

Describe the work, activity or task e.g. concrete basement floor.

Project Name/No.

Enter the name of the project that this work is a part of.


Enter the supervisor who will oversee the work.

Principal Contractor

The principal contractor responsible for the completion of the work or task.

Prepared by

The name of the person who prepared the method statement.

Date / Control Number

Enter the date and any reference no. associated with the method statement.

Plant and Equipment Required

List any machinery and equipment required to complete the activity and any equipment required to fulfill the the controls e.g. safety equipment, fencing or warning signs.

Training Requirements

Enter any training that is needed to complete the job steps or to implement the controls.

Job Step

Describe the job or activity.

Potential Hazard

Enter the potential hazard e.g. Electric Shock.


Enter the controls that will be put in place to manage the job step and avoid the potential hazard.

Safety Method Statement template






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